Hesburger is awesome. We went to Hesburger for dinner today. This was my second time going to Hesburger, and I have to say, the Finnish fast food does not disappoint. (Awesome alliterations are always acceptable).
The kids had a good time playing on one of those rides you usually find at supermarkets. This one was a pink car that moved back and forth. After that Sari dropped me off at the doctors office so I could try and figure out why I have been sick so long. Turns out I have a Finnish sinus infection, so they gave me some Finnish antibiotics. (I am going tottery and remain enthusiastic about everything that happens because I am in Finland!! Then I had the trouble of wandering around Iso Omena (Big Apple) shopping center to try and find the pharmacy. I wasn't sure at first what I was looking for, but it turns out that the translation for pharmacy is Apteekki, which is the name of the store. I figured that it would be named something different, like how we have CVS. But no, it is called Apteekki. So I finally found it and then I had the struggle of trying to figure out what button to push to get my number. After looking like a dunce translating mile long words on my phone I figured it out. Thankfully, that was when Sari joined me, and I could take a break from adulting. Adulting is so tiring and stressful. Especially in a different country. After that we went home and I went in the Siitonen’s private sauna. It was very relaxing and I stayed in for around 30 minutes.