Ahh Finland, the land of many holidays... Aka "excuses to drink" :) The first of May is a holiday celebrating high school alumni and those who have achieved higher education. People travel to Helsinki to view the festivities such as the placement of the high school hat on the statue. Families (and those who are too young to drink) have a picnic in Kaivopuisto, a park on the sea. Everyone who has graduated from high school wears their hat. It is common to see people traveling bar to bar, trying to get all the stamps that they can before they pass out. The traditional Vappu drink is found everywhere, and it is called "Sima." Most people drink the alcohol version of it, but it is also good just as a soda. It tastes an awful lot like ginger ale, but with a hint of lemon. It is very refreshing! There are a couple traditional desserts/pastries eaten as well. One looks like a birds nest (or brains) covered in powdered sugar and is called, tippaleipä. They are very similar to funnel cakes.