Today was my first day in Tampere! We are staying at my host grandmother’s house, and I am staying in Sari’s old room. There are her graduation pictures on the wall, and she looks so pretty! While Sari was working I went to play outside with the kids in the snow. They had fun sledding, and them I went and did it with them. They have two sleds, and one of them is big enough to fit Aatu, Venla and I, so we would go down first and pull Aada along next to us on her tiny sled. Then, after we went home, we got ready to go swimming. The swimming pool had a rope in it that you could swing on like a vine into the water, so we had fun doing that. Jarno, Venla and I went to the biggest shopping mall in Finland, and it was enormous. We spent A LOT of time shopping. I didn't buy much. One shirt, and then a bunch of frozen croissants that Sari asked me to buy in secret so Jarno wouldn't see them. They are for Father’s Day breakfast tomorrow.